Potting Shed University: Using Foliage for Color in the Garden

Class taught by Kathyrn Kufahl, Master Gardener of the Ozarks, Emeritus

Many flowering plants have a short period of bloom.  Plants with colorful foliage can provide interest through the entire season with fairly low maintenance. This session will offer suggestions for both annuals and perennials that provide colorful foliage for your space.

$5/person per class | Pay at the door | Registration starts at 5:30 PM

2018 Potting Shed University Schedule

2018-03-26 18:00 2018-03-26 19:00 Potting Shed University: Using Foliage for Color in the Garden

Class taught by Kathyrn Kufahl, Master Gardener of the Ozarks, Emeritus Many flowering plants have a short period of bloom.  Plants with colorful foliage can provide interest through the entire season with fairly low maintenance. This session will offer suggestions for both annuals and perennials that provide colorful foliage for your space. $5/person per class | Pay […]

Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center