Master Gardeners of Greene County Hotline is STILL OPEN for business to answer your important gardening questions. We will be entering the gardening season with people beginning a new garden or possibly expanding their current garden this year. Please contact us with your questions by phone 417-874-2963 by email or on our website
All calls and emails will be handled remotely by trained Master Gardeners and answered several times per week. Please leave a detailed message if calling or just sending an email. Feel free to send pictures of your problems or questions via email. Keep an eye on this website for more information as it becomes available. We can’t tell you when we will be back to normal operations in the MU Extension Greene County Hotline office inside the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center but we are looking forward to it.
In the meantime, if you need a faster answer to your important gardening question, use the MU Extension website at: and use the topic search box. Wishing all a wonderful gardening season!
CALL US: 417-874-2963
Email us:
To access the Members Hotline schedule (requires a Member login), click here
Open: March – October
Monday-Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Off Season: November – February
During the off season, we are open only on Thursdays from 10am to 4pm for Hotline questions and for taking soil samples. For all other times, call us to to leave a message at 417-874-2963, email us at , or fill out our online form. Although our office will be closed most days, volunteers will respond on Thursdays.
Where to Find Us:
Master Gardeners of Greene County
Master Gardener Hotline
2400 S Scenic Ave
Springfield, MO 65807
view map
Ask One of Our Volunteers
Our Master Gardener Hotline answers over 2000 home garden questions a year and is staffed by volunteer members of our chapter. Call, email, or stop by in person to ask your home gardening question. Bring in your diseased branch, leaf or a pest to get it identified for free by Certified Volunteer members of the Master Gardener organization.
Help Us Help You
To make diagnosis easier, we’ve provided this list of questions for you to look over before calling the Master Gardener Hotline. Some of the questions may lead to solutions, while others may help you convey important information to our Hotline staff who will assist you.
For MU Extension Publications, click here

Eastern Black Swallowtail Larvae