Speaker Topics
Listed below are some common garden topics requested of our speakers for recent events. Please feel free to choose from this list of popular topics and request a Master Gardener speaker for your upcoming event by filling out the Speaker Request form.
Popular topics include:
3D Printing in the Garden
Container Gardening
Floating Wetlands
Floral Arrangement
Fruit Pruning Basics
Garden in a Straw Bale: The No-Mess, No-Stress Way to Grow!
Gardening & Grilling
Gardening and Wellness (or Dirt is Fun!)
Gardening for Wildlife and Birds
Gardening with Mushrooms/Fungi
Growing for a Food Pantry (interactive garden tour available depending on season)
Hardy Succulents for the Outdoors in Missouri
Heirlooms vs Hybrids
Landscape Design, Infrastructure, and Hardscaping (not xeriscaping)
Landscape Design, Site Analysis, Research & Development
Monarch Migration
Native Alternatives for Common Ornamentals “plant this, not that”
Native Plants
No space? No problem! Introduction to Container Gardening
Nourishing, Relaxing Herbal Teas
Past Meets Present: Navigating the Landscape of Hybrids and Heirlooms
Plant-related Activities for Adults of All Abilities (interactive, customized to your consumers abilities)
Planting for Pollinators
Raised Bed Gardening
Scented Geraniums
Sensory Gardening
Sensory Herb Tour at the Demonstration Garden (available depending on season)
Starting Seeds
Straw Bale Gardening
Using Herbs
Vegetables for Childrens Groups (interactive garden tour available depending on season)
Watering Systems
Water Wise Garden (recording)
Who are the Pollinators (adults)
Who are the Pollinators (kids)
Wildflowers for butterflies
Winter Sowing